Luis the mechanic and Joe the owner.
Mehr Fotos im Album "Motostrano Bike Shop California":
Joe started his store with Cruzer bikes origanly.
This full suspension commuting bike that can also be ridden on gravel is a popular ride.
Joe showed us some popular commuting bikes.
BMX California style
Luis the mechanic and Joe the owner.
Joe an Luis the mechanic outside the shop in Redwood city.
Motostrano is the only Cube reseller in the USA. Their Stereo gets pride of place in the shop lineup.
Bulls have just released this version to the US market.
Haibike means Ebike in California
The mechanic

Luis the mechanic and Joe the owner. im Album Motostrano Bike Shop California

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28.04.2017, 06:48
27.04.2017, 19:49
News 2017
Motostrano Bike Shop California
Canon EOS 7D
1/1600 s ƒ/5 21 mm ISO 320

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